Worlds Best Kept Auto Secret!


Active Member
Quick question, what side of your car is your petrol tank? If you are anything like me,:oops: you probably can't remember right away. My solution is to uncomfortably stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look. If you don't do this in your own car you definitely have done it in a borrowed or rental car.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the gas station or put your neck at risk of uncomforted or injury.
If you look at your petrol gauge, you will see a small icon of a petrol pump. The handle of the petrol pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the pump. If your tank is on the left, the handle will be on the left. If your tank is on the right, the handle will be on the right. It is that simple! :thumbsup:
I don't know how you feel right now but when I found out this morning I felt cheated!
Why don't the dealers share such important information with car buyers? I don't understand why this isn't in the drivers ed manual? I don't get why any mechanic I have ever been too or know has even thought of mentioning this to me? The only possible explanation can be that all these people probably don't even know!
Go out and share the worlds best kept auto secret with your friends as this is information is way too important to be kept secret.


Adam L

New Member
When I bought my Pulsar, my mate, who I bought it off, didn't even tell me how to open the fuel cap. I spent quater of an hour standing at the pump wedging the key in the gap:mong:. I had to phone him up in the end:lol:


saddler said:
I don't get why any mechanic I have ever been too or know has even thought of mentioning this to me? The only possible explanation can be that all these people probably don't even know!

that is one of the best bits of info ive heard in years (seriously) i never knew that!
every bl00dy day i do what you have just mentioned ie sticking my nut out the window like a deranged turkey on steroids to see where the petrol flap is:lol: :doh:

will put that into practice starting from tomorrow, thanks:thumbsup:


New Member
Adam L said:
When I bought my Pulsar, my mate, who I bought it off, didn't even tell me how to open the fuel cap. I spent quater of an hour standing at the pump wedging the key in the gap:mong:. I had to phone him up in the end:lol:
Haha you got further than me, I couldnt get the key out of the ignition :embarassed:


New Member
Excellent info saddler, will have to check it out tomorrow on both my motors which have their flaps on the opposite sides.

Of course the most useful use for this is if you're ever driving a hire/courtesy car and have to fill it up.


I went to the petrol station in my mums RX8 the other night (R is off the road) and had some guy looking at the car and me, giving it the usual, flash car for a young guy to be driving , so I got out walked to the pump, took out the nozzle and then realised the filler cap was on the other side, and I was parked too far away walk round and even if I wasn't the place was dead, just me and him so he knew i'd phucked up, should have seen his grin, and I felt like a right twat.


New Member
Garef said:
I went to the petrol station in my mums RX8 the other night (R is off the road) and had some guy looking at the car and me, giving it the usual, flash car for a young guy to be driving , so I got out walked to the pump, took out the nozzle and then realised the filler cap was on the other side, and I was parked too far away walk round and even if I wasn't the place was dead, just me and him so he knew i'd phucked up, should have seen his grin, and I felt like a right twat.

HA hhhhhahahaaaaaa! Dont you just f**king hate that, im sure everyone has done something like that though (know i have) Quality info ill check it out.

I always had a different approach though and that was to press the filler open leaver and look in the wing mirror's to see which one i could see the fuel door in after it pops!:thumbsup: sly b**tard!


New Member
Is this true? Need to check it out, my 2 cars are on different sides as well, although having an ounce of intelligence, I can usually remember which side the filler is on:lol:

Would be handy in a rental car or in Garefs situation though, I can't believe car manufacturers are that sharp though.


New Member
Scotty said:
I always had a different approach though and that was to press the filler open leaver and look in the wing mirror's to see which one i could see the fuel door in after it pops!:thumbsup: sly b**tard!
LOL, that's what i do :lol:


Active Member
Scotty said:
I always had a different approach though and that was to press the filler open leaver and look in the wing mirror's to see which one i could see the fuel door in after it pops!:thumbsup: sly b**tard!
I use that approach too.

A bonus of the fuel door opening is that it acts as an air brake so, you slow down a lot quicker too. :doh: :lol:


saddler said:
The handle of the petrol pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the pump. If your tank is on the left, the handle will be on the left. If your tank is on the right, the handle will be on the right. It is that simple!
Not the case on my Pulsar...
The handle on the pump extends out of the right-hand-side... Tank is on the left... :doh:


New Member
its not true
my r has got the handle on the fuel gauge on the drivers side yet the filler cap is on the passenger side. i`m pretty sure the gauges havent been changed because it still reads in km and is still restricted.


Have to say, since this I checked my mums car and the handle is on the opposite side, but I would think the big arrow pointing to the left should have helped me in my earlier story, haha.


Active Member
I Checked my car this morning as i needed to fill up, i have a nissan sentra as a daily driver and my fuel pumps handle is on the right hand side but my fuel tank is on the left.