water leak(now sorted)


New Member
bit long so ill say sorry first :!: went round to neil r's this morning and when i got there i put the car on turbo timer. whilst it was doing this the car started to leak water from somewhere :? :roll: and was dripping on the floor.with it still wet i jacked it up and could see water running along the edge of the sump on to the floor. then noticed that the header tank had lost a bit of water as well. so we refilled it went for a drive and it didnt do it again.

i then came home and had a look on my drive 30 mins after i got in and there is a small patch of water directly under the pulleys on the drivers side........

is this my water pump leaking
how much are they
should i not drive it till fixed
what else could it be
could the below factor contribute to the pump failure....water temp is fine.

the car had been sat for 9 weeks before this weekend and its the first time its leaked anything.


at the risk of sounding stupid u arnt going over the maximum level on the water pot are u wen ya fill it up?

and u cud have an air block if its coming out the overflow if so bleed it?


New Member
if you mean out of the water header tank then im afraid not as it is on passenger side where battery used to live :cry: .or is there another overflow pipe around there.if so where

any more ideas,thanks for the quick response. 8)


well if it is the water pump isnt that an engine out job? :cry: is there a slit in your block to rad pipe?


New Member
rad pipes are brand new samco set and i have read that the pump can be done in the car...is that right or not. :cry: :?:

more importantly is it my water pump :?:


its hard to say without seeing the car mate but just cos the samco's are new it dnt mean they ent gonna have a split in it ect thats were mine went wen the car overheated cos the fan dident cum in


New Member
fair comment mate but the fans did come in and when it was running and it started to leak the top of the engine was dry and the water was running along the edge of the sump from back to front..i didnt put my hand to feel where it was coming from as i like my hands on my arms :p :p :p ...

will a fooked water pump leak when its running or when its parked up or both :roll: :?:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Yes faulty water pumps can leak (normally from the shaft going into the body) when they aren't running.


New Member
You may see water coming out the tell-tale hole.

If you look straight down and at the water pump you should see a small hole in the casing, normally starts p!ssing out of it when they're on the way out.

Cost of a new one is £40ish i think

Theres a how to guide on here of doing the water pump with engine in 8)


New Member
drove it again to my in laws house and when i got there it started to leak again.so i took the wheel off and jacked it up and its coming from around the pulley above the main pulley at the bottom of the engine...if that makes any sense......

is this my water pump. :roll:

does it have a pulley on it or not :roll: :?:


yes the water pump does have a pulled on and yes it does sound like its leaking from the pump :(


New Member
cheers lads thanks for all the replies to this post...

if you have any more ideas post please

cheers stu


It could be from the water pipe that sticks out of the head on the left hand side. On both my engines this pipe has a load of white deposits around it stopping the rubber hose from sealing properly.



Does sound like water pump to me changed mine in situ its not too bad to do but my hands and forearms were scratched to f*ck :D


yeah but it's the aly one thats sticks out of the head that gets covered in shite.......that the rubber S hose connects to :wink:



New Member
do you mean the housing on the front of the engine :?: :roll: .thats only recently been resealed. :D