standard gearbox

davey red.r

New Member
3 month ago whilst pulling out my estate changing from 1st to 2nd gear their was there was loud bang came from the car can only describe it like the sound of a spring exploding straight after this there was a grinding noise like a seized on caliper. gearbox very rarely jumps out of 2nd gear and is whining its pretty obvious what it is just wondering if any of you lads had this happen to yous and what the problem was. all my gears engage no probs and its a smooth gear change thanking you all davey;-)


:lol: Mmm! if youve changed your mind il buy it off you and chuck in a newly rebuilt shotpeened box!

pm me your email davey as ive got photos for you of that sunroof;-)

back to the thread, it definately sounds like a box fault to me, but what exactly, i just dont know:? will need to strip it to see whats occuring.
you may also possibly have a defective or badly worn pressure plate, but you would notice this through the clutch pedal when depressed and released!

davey red.r

New Member
lads am really sorry to get your hopes built up paul , bob i have tonys quaiffe getting fitted in few weeks no i just wanted to find out what was wrong with my standard box to see if i could sell it on when it comes out in few weeks bob ill pm you my email adress regards davey;-)


there was a good one ent unsold on ebay, with a starting price of 200quid and it didnt sell. I contacted Tony a while back when he first had it up for sale, but i cant afford it !! :cry:


dont want email now:cry:

make sure you keep that quaiffe locked up in your shed, or il send my little fairies round to eleviate you of it:lol: :lol:

will send piccies now davey;-)

davey red.r

New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: funny as owt that bob dont worry mate i paid 200,000 and flew tyson over hes now sharing a bed with me and the quaiffe lol:lol: :lol:


that wont save ya:lol:
while tysons bum raping you, me little pixies will slip in there and slither the box beneath the sheets:twisted: :lol:

davey red.r

New Member
na bob youve got it wrong theres nee bumlove ganning on with me and micheal i just put a buster douglas mask on and he dosent come near me :lol: :lol: ;-)