Side Repeaters


Active Member
Having just received my new clear side repeaters, imagine my surprise when putting them on wasn't as easy as it should have been! :roll: :roll:

The bulb housing gaps are different. Before I start giving someone on the end of a phone some verbal, what are the originals supposed to look like? These are the differences between them.
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Active Member
the cleat side repeaters are different to the original......god knows why but it doesnt matter as you should get some new bulb holders to go with the new ones that fit

another sunny

i just filed off 2 of the lugs on the bulb holder, there was still plenty of hold even with 1 lug.


you'll find they fit really shit on the wings too. i had to space mine off to get em to sit tight and flush with the wing.

****ing hate shit fitting bits.


Active Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
you'll find they fit really shit on the wings too. i had to space mine off to get em to sit tight and flush with the wing.

****ing hate shit fitting bits.
thats fooking statement comming from you:doh: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;-)
back on topic warrrington didnt you get bulb holders with the lenses then


Active Member
Didnt get any bulb holders, just some new amber bulbs which slot into the old holders. I'll just bodge it up later. :roll: Serves me right for going cheapest probably! :roll:


New Member
Speak to Pete as he sells these items and im sure the ones i got from him fitted as they should.



Sorry to dig this up but just wanted to check do all clear side repeaters require slight modification or is it possible to buy a direct fitting item. All the ones I've come accross so far have two holes and the places selling won't confirm if they come with bulb holders. If it is poss to get the three hole ones anyone know ehere I can get them from.Cheers