heater problem



Ive just brought my R and have noticed that there is not hot air coming from the heater. Ive have a quick look around the engine and cant see any pipe work that would be for the heater??? It does have a fmic , could the hot air pipe be removed for this to be fitted?? :cry:


Active Member
there's 2 hoses that should go to the bulkhead near the fuel filter.

If they're not there someone has removed them.


As above, look for 2 hoses entering the bulkhead. They take and return the hot water into/from the cabin to the heater matrix. Sometimes heater matrix's can break and leak into the car and people just join the pipes under the bonnet elliminating the heater matrix.

May not be the case, but it's worth noting.


I know the pipes your talking about , theres 1 near the turbo with heat wrap? Do people remove the pipe work with a front mounted intercooler?


not the last time i looked. I have notice the bulk head has a screw fixing for something , guess its that. Will have to look in the day light


Active Member
the rubber heater hoses go the back of the engine.

The two you are on about are the aircon pipes. the heater hoses are below where the aircon pipes go into the bulkhead.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Look under the 90degree bend that attatches to the plenum, the 2 heater pipes are on the bulkhead vertically above each other through that gap.

If they aren't there, it's posible one of the hoses split and the previous owner looped the good hose round to take the heater out of the system and still use the car. (I did this a while back until my new hose arrived) If this is the case, look behind the thermostat housing, on the big metal pipe there's a take off for one ot the heater pipes, I think the other is just behind the engine somewhere. look for the 2 "to sec278" bits on the jap section of this picture. The highlighted blue number connects to one of the hoses.
