Cam cover


New Member
Havnt taken mine off to change yet but of the top of their head does anyone know whats needed in refitting? Is it sealant or a gasket.

Cheers Tony.

Fusion Ed

Gasket, if its not gone too hard it will be fine, in any case you can use a bit of sealent to help if it is.


Active Member
Personally, I'd use a dribble of high temp sealant all round as, I changed mine a while back and it started to weep not long after again. Needless to say, I didn't use any sealant !
Apply a thin line to the gasket groove in the head and again to the gasket groove in the rocker cover, before fitting the gasket. Don't forget the 4 spark plug rings too !
I also found it useful to put the rubber washers/spacers that go between the rocker cover and the fixing nuts (on the studs) in some hot water (near boiling) as, that will bring them back to shape !