****3" Exhaust*****


Active Member
A 3" will fit but, is extremely tight with the aircon. And the difference between a 2.5" and 3" is mesurable. The more so the more powerful your engine is. There was a recent test in one of the Japanese car mags if you're interested !


youngsyp said:
And the difference between a 2.5" and 3" is mesurable.
You could say the difference between iridium plugs and standard is measurable...but has anybody measured the difference between the 2 exhausts :?: And on a 1bar pulsar...is it gonna be worth it :?:

That's what I wanna know :wink:


Active Member
Again, this will depend on so many factors. However, I think you will notice the car boosting up quicker (most dependant on whether the cat is still in place and if you have a bigger turbo elbow/dumppipe) and a few more horses and ftlbs over the entire rev range with most probably further up the range. If you don't have a bigger diameter dumppipe, I would tend to spend the money buying one first ! The difference will be more noticable.

But, that's just my couple of pence !