Wind Tunnel Day?


New Member
Hello all,

I was thinking............doesnt happen much lol......... we have all of these rolling road days that really go down a treat and work well as a club outing etc but has anyone ever thought about having something similar but in a Wind Tunnel. Considering the work the guys that have TMIC's and other modifications if it were possible to wangle a days session in a wind tunnel it would be an invaluable experience and will allow us R owners to improve the terrible aerodynamics the R possess lol.

Has anyone come across a reasonable wind tunnel? Has anyone ever enquired about this in the past?

I would hazard a guess that it wouldn't be cheap but i think it would be of great benefit, just like the rolling road days for the big power guys and us little people:lol:

What do people think, am i just living in a dream world and this would never happen for us or is it something that has potential?

I shall leave you all to digest and "Thunder Pants" me :lol: :lol:



antgtir said:
What do people think, am i just living in a dream world and this would never happen for us or is it something that has potential?

I shall leave you all to digest and "Thunder Pants" me :lol: :lol:


I can't see what would be gained from this after the first car has been done :doh: :? , One pulsar is pretty much the same as another ;-) .



New Member
Was only thinking of people that may have altered things likt the bonnet scoop for additional cooling under the TMIC or general cooling of the bay.

Maybe brake duct improvements or oil cooler positioning improvements or maybe even removing the big parachute we all have located at the back of the R when the OE exhaust has been removed and replaced with a Mongoose or similar?

Under body air travel improvements etc etc, the list in theory could go on for a long time but obviously it all depends on peoples interest in improving things like this.

i know the R is in no way like an F1 car but you can see the noticeable difference in performance from the cars that have inaccurate wind tunnels and those that have accurate ones i.e Honda lol.

To be honest im not even sure were one of these wind tunnels would be apart from maybe Prodrive?

Just a thought rattling around to be vented lol.



Their is a few wind tunnels about, My grandad ran the one at farnborough in hampshire when he was alive, Their is also one in Oxfordshire and the one at the mclaren base, I help build that one when I was a mobile crane driver years ago.

I think it would need a lot more than a day in one of these things to cure all that is wrong with a pulsar's shape lol lol lol.



New Member
Odin said:
Their is a few wind tunnels about, My grandad ran the one at farnborough in hampshire when he was alive, Their is also one in Oxfordshire and the one at the mclaren base, I help build that one when I was a mobile crane driver years ago.

I think it would need a lot more than a day in one of these things to cure all that is wrong with a pulsar's shape lol lol lol.

Your not wrong with that comment lol.

To be honest id just be interested in the whole process and what manipulations could be made in order to improve, the whole shabang really not just stick your car in and get a 3d image of the flow paths etc.

How much do you reckon something like this would cost? Im sure the Maclaren setup would be extremely expensive but if we were able to organise and OC gathering / event to walk around the place and experience the R and D side of things i think that would be super stuff.

What did your Grandad do then for a living?

Anyone else with any experience in this?



Still waiting on some shims!
I think the cost of time in a wind tunnel will kill this idea pretty quickly!

Hint: its FAR from cheap!!


antgtir said:
What did your Grandad do then for a living?

My grandad was a flight lieutenant in the air force and flew Lancaster bombers in the war 8) :thumbsup: .

After the war he worked a Farnborough running the wind tunnel ;-)



New Member
Odin said:
My grandad was a flight lieutenant in the air force and flew Lancaster bombers in the war 8) :thumbsup: .

After the war he worked a Farnborough running the wind tunnel ;-)

*off topic*

Lol my Grandad was in the RAF for a while and served about 6 missions as a tail gunner in the Lancaster Bomber. After those missions he vowed to never leave the ground again as the only means of escape out of the tail pod was by the pilot releasing the latch from the cockpit i.e. if the cockpit is blown away from the plane he goes down with it, so instead he told his seniors he wouldn't fly again.

They then stationed him on the ground in the Army, during which he became the forces champion boxer in his weight class. He was stationed in Burmha were he had control of about 2 or 3 Gurka's and a mad scottsman lol. Unfortunately he was caught (POW) and kept in a concentration camp for 2 or 3 years were he was tortured and witnessed his best friends die on a make shift cross.

When he returned home he used to climb the walls in fright and my nan was unfortunately given the job of removing bits of Bamboo out of his back for years after the war. :cry: The guy is my hero i must admit.

*On Topic*

Rishi: I know what you mean with the cost, maybe though the tour thing wouldn't be a bad idea or something similar, just batting a few ideas around really.



All you need is one of them American style towable RR and then blast up and down the M1 whilst taking readings ok you will only get an air reading at 58mph but cheap option :lol:


New Member
jpward said:
All you need is one of them American style towable RR and then blast up and down the M1 whilst taking readings ok you will only get an air reading at 58mph but cheap option :lol:
Lol the A frame would have to be 200m long so the front cra doesn't effect the air travel, now that would be something to see:lol: :lol:



Still waiting on some shims!
antgtir said:
Rishi: I know what you mean with the cost, maybe though the tour thing wouldn't be a bad idea or something similar, just batting a few ideas around really.


And its boring! Watching a load of GTiR's all with the same basic shape in a wind tunnel!

I'll be over watching the paint dry! :lol:


antgtir said:
*off topic*

Lol my Grandad was in the RAF for a while and served about 6 missions as a tail gunner in the Lancaster Bomber. After those missions he vowed to never leave the ground again as the only means of escape out of the tail pod was by the pilot releasing the latch from the cockpit i.e. if the cockpit is blown away from the plane he goes down with it, so instead he told his seniors he wouldn't fly again.

Yeah it wasn't the best job in the plane :shock: , My grandad was the pilot with the lever :doh: :lol: !!

He told me loads of storeys about his bombing raids and how he lost 4 tail gunners, One of them when the rear pod fell off over the alps :shock: :cry: .

I think to many people are to quick to forget what these guys went through to keep us all safe, And like you say he was my hero too ;-) :-D .



Great Grandfather was a Captain in the Navy never got the chance to return with his stories.


tomble said:
All those people are hero's, if it wasnt for their bravery we'd all be driving audi's :D


Which wouldn't be a bad thing :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .



RishiGTiR said:
I think the cost of time in a wind tunnel will kill this idea pretty quickly!

Hint: its FAR from cheap!!
the mans right think its some think made like so many ££££ hr or some think. i do rember seeing some think on the supra forum


New Member
Was just a thought really.

I still believe a day out at say Goodwood or something like that would be very good to do as a club. Something different and with a bit of variety rather than the same old same old shows etc:?



Active Member
antgtir said:
Was just a thought really.

I still believe a day out at say Goodwood or something like that would be very good to do as a club. Something different and with a bit of variety rather than the same old same old shows etc:?

The festival of speed is a brilliant day out. I missed this year but, the year before was great. It's a nice part of teh world too !