Well tahnks for the reply's everyone. The springs are dun & there on the rite way cos it aint got that dragster look.gotta say the 2nd pic looks better. mint lookin R mate.Thats the boatlike handlin sorted anyway. wud have liked all new struts but had to get me 5in goose ordered. hope its here for the wknd cos it needs it.The car was set up at powerstation a couple of years back and upped to 260 but he couldnt afford the zaust so its about time i rekon.Oh yeah, yous will like this one. Got pulled for me reg last fri nite.2am. so sat mornin then. Shud be 671 RMN. My version G7lR MN. ha. They werent that impressed. either was i, its only been on a week.Havent changed it yet though.Just carryin sum black tape in me pocket to put accross the G for when they get me next.Prbly soon as the goose gors on. :lol: