Where's the air relief valve on the cooling system?

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've just changed the 2 oil cooler pipe hoses on my car and have filled the cooling system back up, but I can't find the air relief valve.

It shows a picture of this in the manual, but I can't see it on my car:oops:
I know there's the bleed valve on the thermostat housing, (didn't seem to do much tho)

I think I've sorted my leak, but need to make sure the system has enough in it to leak out again:lol:


New Member
There isnt one is there?All i do is remove the bleed valve on the thermostat housing and fill up until it starts to seep out of the hole,then replace the bolt and fill up until i can get no more in,replace the rad cap and pump the bottom hose around 20 times,remove the cap and top up,i keep doing this until i can get no more coolant in,then start the car and keep topping up until i get no more air bubbles,then replace the cap again and pump the lower hose again and re top up.Replace the cap and wait whilst watching the temp gauge until the fans come on.

Fast Guy

Staff member
That's pretty much what I ended up doing.
It shows a picture of the air reflief valve in the manual, maybe it's on the SR20DE:?


Theres one on the front of the block but i believe thats more for to drain the entire block coolant ;-)


New Member
i thick its a self bleed system, not sure but i think air rises to the top of the rad and then bleeds out of the overflow pipe.......i think, fell free to correct me tho