New re-build issues

you dont need a spark plug and airline to do this, you can do it by threading nylon rope down the plug hole when shes coming up on compression stroke, get it from the £1 shop a big roll of it.
once the engine is at tdc the rope will hold the 4 valves firmly shut to enable you to compress the springs. once youve done that cylinder just turn the engine back off tdc and simply pull the rope out
Your a genious!! lol, thanks, that's a good idea. Just need the snap-on tool that the one where you put it over the end of the valve and whack it with a mallet?


not sure what that tool is but sounds good.....have you got a link to one joff? i wouldnt mind buying one myself as its a bitch getting those poxy little collets back in lol


Active Member
Well just to let you all know, I did a compression test last night and got 11 bar on all four (160 psi) so was quite happy with that. It seems cylinder 2 was the oily one and like some of you have said it appears to be stem seals.
I will need to modify and old spark plug and use the airline trick to be able to change these stem seals in situe, not looking forward to it to be honest.

Oh and I dropped a soldering iron tip into the engine by accident and spent 5 hours trying to get it out!!! got it in the end.....lesson learnt, keep the plug holes covered when you remove spark plugs
if you've fitted new stem seals, check for a cracked guide


now thats a very handy bit of kit, il be getting myself one of those for sure, damn site easier than the sykes n pickavant one ive got


New Member
On a serious note I found a tub of general purpose greese is a god send when it comes to fitting them. Just a tiny dab on the inside and they stick right on
Does anyone have a few spare stem seals lying around at all? I don't want to buy a complete Nissan gasket set if I can help it. cheers.