Danny Wall


Well-Known Member
Right it has come to my attention that Danny Wall has been getting some unfair stick regarding my car build.

Yes I am frustrated by the amount of time its taken but this has mostly been out of Danny's control, Danny did all his work like building the engine and gearbox long ago and has been as frustrated as me by the lack of progress thus far.

I've voiced my opinion a few times and probably not helped the situation but its mostly been when I've been in a really bad mood about the whole thing.

I hear through the grape vine that the village idiot in Essex has been using my car as ammunition to make Danny look bad. Well people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Because i wouldn't let him build a Lego engine.

I'm more than happy with the engine and box Danny has built me and i know even if there was a problem with it he would fix it no questions asked. Which is more than can be said for that Essex clown.

As for my car i hope the situation is resolved soon and the person responsible for that part of the build can get it finish soon.

Danny even offered to refund me quite a lot of the money or give me his rally car as way of compensation. Something i doubt many other people would do especially the clown thats been shit stirring.

So i say to anyone sticking their nose in my business shut the fuck up and get on with your own life. Worry about your own shoddy work!


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