boost controller problems

rx jamie

New Member
ive got a new problem. been checking out and teaking final running problems on the car today, before i put the new injectors and maf in and map it, and i wondered why the car was so fast and i noticed why today. didnt have time to look at the boost controller while driving, so i used the record feature on it.
anyway the cars boosting at 1.2 bar, and it wont lower no matter what i programme into the controller. really bad as .8 bar on gt2871r is about as far as my stock maf and fuel system will go.
maybe its the way i plumbed it in? the blitz spec r solanoid has only two fittings. out and in.
i just basically put the boost pressure signal from the plenum into the 'IN ' port of the solanoid. and plugged the vaccum/turbo intake pipe that t's with actuator pipe into the 'OUT' fitting of the solenoid.

im using a blitz dual sbc id 3 spec r

any help lads. cheers


Active Member
What happens if you turn the controller off and run actuator pressure ?

Is the Blitz boost gauge the only one you have ?
