Best Guess



OK its Monday morning and the 'R has just arrived at ND. I suspect the post mortem won't be for a couple of weeks at least due to TOTB so what do people think it could be:

The car had been smoking for the last 3-4 weeks on decelaration only.

The car was down on power, at 5,000 in 5th it was pulling about 100mph (on the airfield).

The engine popped at about about 5,000 in fifth and made a hesitation just before blowing white/grey smoke out of the back and loads of it.

The bonnet vent also did its job of removing the steam.

We coasted to a safe area and the engine cut, popped the bonnet and there was water everywhere, mixed with oil.

The car started again but the tick over was lumpy and at 600rpm. So I cut the engine again.

Opened the rad cap and it has small pieces of metal inside, possibly just old crap in the rad that was blown up through the pipe or part of my engine.

We also checked inside the rocker cover through the oil filler cap and it had traces of water inside.

We could not work out where the water had come from.

Engine had just hit 50,000 miles.

Anyone then??


When we check the I/C pipe there was no oil going from the turbo to the plenum which we though ruled out the turbo though after the drive up to JAE there was some oil coming out of the DV but not too much.

Does this rule out the turbo or not? The turbo does seem like a reasonable answer with the headgasket. The metal in the rad could have been the metal head gasket then?


The metal in the rad could have been part of the rad, did you check to see if you had a hole in the rad?
You might have hit a big stone that pierced the rad and hence lost the water, not sure why you would have had white smoke though, maybe the engine just ran out of water and let go formula one style :shock:


New Member
head gasket between water jackets and oil gallery unless it was the turbo water cooler / oil supply so then this would mean engine strip / re-build AND turbo..
what head gasket was on it and what boost were you running at the time


I was running a metal head gasket, not too sure which one and was running upto 1.66bar most of the weekend.

I hope that whatever it is that it isn't a killer repair bill as that is something I cannot cope with at the moment...


Comforting to know most people agree on headgasket and though I've never blown one before is does seem to make sense.

When the engine let go there was no bang that I would associate with a piston or summit. It was more like a misfire or the engine being started of fuel (like going around a left hand bend with less than half a tank).

Also, the idea that the turbo was still on its way out and thats what the smoking was also makes sense.

Found the car was driving at lower speeds that I would expect for the gear and rpm. Would this happen if the turbo was going?


Active Member
The reason I said turbo seals is the boost you're running on a standard turbo would kill alot of them almost straight away :lol: ;)

Plus theres the fact you've mentioned blue smoke before iirc which you believed at the time to be your catch tank - is this what turned out to be the prob?
