Another Clutch Problem....


The pressure in the hydraulic system changes quite a lot in my car....

sometime u can push the clutch in and it's no problem 0 same as usual

other times u have to push the clutch pedal practically to the floor before u can change springs back up ok..

I found out that when the clutch has to goto the floor to change gear, I can gently pump it without it affecting the engine and the pressure builds up for u to change gear normally again....

I have completly bled the system and it made no difference (was there b4 i did this).....what could it be?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a problem with either the master cylinder or the slave cylinder on the gearbox :wink:

Have either of them been changed since you've had the car?


no, not had them changed at all. It's not in the history (well english anyway! I can't read the japanese!!)

is this expensive?

Cheers mark :wink:


Well-Known Member
Have you had a look inside the car around the clutch pedal area :?:

Have a look for any fluid leaking :wink: I'm not sure how much the slave cylinder is, but the master cylinder is about £80.


I've checked out the pedal and bracket etc....I can't see any leaks inside the car - i'll check outside the car and around the gearbox (near bleed nipple)

I can't see anything leaking from the Reservoir..I'll have a good look tonight and pop up what i find l8r....

Thanks for your Help Mark, much appreciated


check the colour of your clutch fluid if its black then its got rubber in it etc etc, to be honest if was you i'd do the easy bits first, braided pipe and new slave cylinder and retry and retest if still not right then you will need to change the slave cylinder (bit of a :roll: ) but do the cheaper easy things first. Sods law they will fail if they haven't already. 8)


well i have bled the system and the fluid was brown (like muddy water)

I'm not loosing any fluid....i don't understand.....

i'll take it to a clutch place as i'm getting extreemly pi55ed off with this jap crap.....

Cheers for all the help!!!!!!!!!!


sounds like everyones havin clutch probs :oops:
does anyone know how to do this job right and save us loads of time and ££ think some of us need some help with this matter :roll: