Small bonnet vents


Active Member
Why are the small bonnet vents blanked off with a plate ? What are the benefits of having them covered up ??

Fast Guy

Staff member
It can stop water getting into the number 1 plug well, but I unblanked mine years ago and have never had a problem yet.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
they are in from factory to keep your engine bay clean - if you still have a top mount they are supposed to exhaust the air that has went through the cheesegrater then down through the interwarmer


Active Member
If you look at their position, they sit right above the rocker cover. Realistically, this would be one of the hottest parts of teh engine bay (except for above the exhaust manifold but, if there was a vent there, the hot exhausted air would go straight into the cheese grater and heat the I/C core up even more !).

Having siad that though, the standard holes don't seem to be of much use either. That's why (as soon as I get off my ass) I'm going to open them up and make as much use of them as possible.



New Member
The plates as far as im aware were installed for winter running. If you get a rocker cover plate that covers all four plugs and remove the plates from the vents i in my experience have never had any problems in winter.



New Member
Fast Guy said:
It can stop water getting into the number 1 plug well, but I unblanked mine years ago and have never had a problem yet.
I had this problem the other day, that will teach me to leave it outside in the rain! :lol:


New Member
I've taken the blanking plates off mine too, anything to help extract the hot air from the engine, got a plate over the leads so never had a problem with water etc.


being in canada and not running the plates in winter (a proper canadian winter I might add) I didn't have any problems.

so you guys over there in the namby pamby UK should be good to go with no worries.:thumbsup::thumbsup: