Advanced Buying advice/First Maintenance


I have read the rules and found that this post *may* be against them, as I searched for something more than just a buying guide and any other information. However, I do not want my first GTiR to be bought unbeknowist to me that it had some damage or problem that I was unaware of due to not looking the car over completely.
Here's what I posted on another forum,

Well the time has come to make a formal introduction and post some pictures of the car I am looking at buying. I've been around the site for about a year and post some things out of interest, but have never actually owned a GTiR.

That time has come.

I was approved by the bank so the finances are in order. I am going to look at the vehicle in 1 day, and was looking for some good buying advice, or what to look for.

I've already checked through the buying advice sticky and have printed that off. That's good for an introduction look over.

My uncle is a lead mechanic at the local transport company, and has let me know that their shop can look the car over completely.

My questions is, is what are some signs of a good GTiR? As in, one that will be good or shows signs of being taken care of previously?

Thanks in advance. I made another thread about a different car, but one came up for sale locally, so I will pursue it first.

Any thoughts here, as well as first time owning maintenance (changing fluids, etc) would be greatly appreciated. I am viewing the car tonight and would like to have some solid inspection points to look for on a "healthy" R, when I take it to my mechanic tomorrow afternoon.


Just some points off the top of my head:

-depress clutch and check for any squeaks, as this could be a sign of it parting from the bulk head
-check for fluid or any dampness in the drivers footwell incase of a leak from master cylinder
-get the owner to take you on a drive, get him to drive it normally, then tell him to give it some, and just listen for any unwanted noises, check the oil pressure is healthy, and that the car holds boost well.
-check the tyres, get your hand on the inside of the tyre and feel that the tread is even across the tyre, if not the tracking/alignment could be out.
-the engine always sounds "tappety" but just stand and have a listen for any knocks or squeaks, squeaks you can live with, probably just a slipping belt, easily sorted, but knocks are alot more serious.
-also when driving, listen for any knocks from the wheels, as it could be a driveshaft on its way out, nothing too serious, but you will have to have it replaced..............eventually haha (im currently driving around with a dodgy driveshaft, getting fixed soon though).

For first time maintenance, change ALL of your oils, gearbox, engine etc, and put the best stuff you can in, just so you know everything is sorted, also probably change your oil/fuel filters if you want to go the whole hog, i did anyways, for peace of mind more than anything else.


New Member
buying a R

look at as many Rs as you can ! it took me 3 months to find mine and i got it of the gtiroc over a year ago still well pleased with it !


New Member
i was lucky i bought the second r i saw was mint and totally standard apart from cat back exhaust the first one was mont too apart from the very worrying whine from the gear box.


It just looks well used to me, Nothing stands out to be really nasty.

But you can't tell what the mechanicals are like from a picture.
